Saturday, November 26, 2011

mikkeller barrel aged chipotle porter

the speyside barrels served this beer well. i already liked the base beer, but the barrels add a subtle wood flavor. the smokiness and heat is still there and so are the chocolate notes. excellent.

port brewing high tide fresh hop IPA

resiny and floral hops everywhere. have yet to be disappointed by a port IPA. some of the best in the business.

haandbryggeriet bestefar

reminds me of the local christmas beers i had last year in sweden. dark and complex. roasted malts and chocolate flavors. good for a cold winter night.

twisted pine reilley's oak whiskey red ale

bourbon off that bat. it's a bit thin tasting and some vanilla from the bourbon barrels. there is a tartness that doesn't seem right and it gets stronger as the beer warms. near the end it was almost like a flemish sour. i'm guessing this is the result of an infection. kind of a bummer.

la citrueille celeste de citracado

very complex, could easily be 8%. the nose is heavily fenugreek and is a bit like curry. yams and pumpkin in the back. interesting beer.

bruery autumn maple

nose is definitely belgian. yams flavors, molasses finish. maple and vanilla is covered by the molasses. outstanding beer.

abita 25th anniversary vanilla doubledog

strong vanilla flavors, luckily i like vanilla. i like this better than regular turbodog and it's one of the better abita beers i've had, but it's just decent.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

seasonal beers

of these, celebration is by far my favourite. just so good. I will be picking up alot more of this before it disappears again. euphoria is no slouch and snow day is a hoppy dark ale that was a nice surprise. in my opinion it's the best time of the year for beer lovers.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

national stout day

celebrating national stout day with a 2010 black chocolate stout. really nice. a great imperial stout, the year in the basement mellowed the alcohol out a bit.

sierra nevada/dogfish head life & limb

not bad, it's still a bit hot. nice maple and birch flavors. going to sit on the other bottle for another year or so.

port brewing midnight sessions

less of a black lager and more of a porter. still delicious, though. port has yet to disappoint.