Saturday, April 28, 2012

tallgrass 8-bit pale ale

i've been looking forward to this for a while. i first got to try it last week, but had had a couple of palate killing ipa's before hand so i couldn't get a proper read on it. the galaxy hops are the big draw for me. i swear it's not patriotism, they are just so good.

this is a great use of the galaxy hops and i'm glad that this appears to be a year round release from tallgrass, because it will be a fixture in my fridge. i still may prefer stone & wood's pacific ale, but since i'm half a world away this is a great substitute. the tropical/passionfruit flavors of the hops are really what make galaxy do it for me. i also have to mention the excellent artwork on the can. really stellar. this is the first mention of tallgrass brewing on here, but it won't be the last. their (canned!) tripel, velvet rooster will be the next one from them i check out.

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